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Dr. Leon Saporta who was born in Istanbul in 1961, has graduated from Istanbul University Medical Faculty as 4th. in 1984. Dr. Saporta has become an urologist in 1991 and has been in Israel, UK, Bulgaria and USA to participate into scientific researches on uro-oncology, endoscopic surgery and gynecological urology to improve his education. Results of these common studies have been published in internationally recognized medical journals.

His residency thesis “Testicle involvement in Lepra patients” has been awarded by TUBITAK in Turkey and in UK due to his contributions to the world literature. Also, his endoscopic stone therapy studies that he has performed while preparing for associate professorship degree has been awarded by TUBITAk again.

Leon Saporta has become an Associate Professor in 1996 and Professor in 2001 and founded Urology Department of Maltepe Medical Faculty. Prof. Dr. Leon Saporta has continued his academic carrier as head of the department in the university until 2005 and been in management board of the university and faculty boards; he has been moderator in different congresses and courses in the country and in abroad.

Prof. Dr. Leon Saporta


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